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Practical Phishing Campaigns
The Perimeter - A Cat and Mouse Game
About Me (0:56)
About the Course (1:31)
An Important Announcement (1:08)
Today's Perimeter (3:01)
Modern Security Architecture (9:13)
Phishing Domains Advice (3:02)
Multi-Factor Authentication Advice (3:10)
Spam Filters Avoidance Advice (3:17)
Whitelisting Advice (2:17)
Domain Registration
Domain Registrar Options (1:23)
Amazon AWS Route 53 Setup (3:27)
Email Registration
Email Registrar Options (0:57)
Mailgun Setup (7:01)
Gophish - Basic Phishing
Creating an AWS EC2 Instance (2:55)
GoPhish Setup (4:11)
Configuring Gophish as a System Service (5:13)
Configuring TLS Certificates (10:54)
Email Sending Profile Setup (5:05)
Sending Our First Campaign (8:53)
Gophish - Hardening and Advanced Techniques
Hardening Our Server (6:25)
Email Sender Hardening (1:41)
Custom HTML for Emails (8:11)
Custom HTML for Landing Pages (12:49)
Forgot your Password? Do This (1:33)
GoPhish Setup in a Nutshell (2:36)
Evilginx - MFA Bypass
Evilginx Setup (2:56)
DNS Fixes (2:59)
Running Evilginx (3:13)
Setting Up Domains For Phishlets (7:29)
Running a Custom Phishlet (4:53)
Combining the Power of Gophish and Evilginx (4:33)
Protecting Evilginx (2:29)
Evilginx Setup in a Nutshell (3:31)
Evilgophish - SMS Phishing
Warning: Twillio Changes (1:53)
Evilgophish Setup (8:18)
Evilgophish Admin Setup (3:54)
Evilgophish Evilginx Setup (5:11)
Twillio Setup (1:04)
Sending Our Smish (1:33)
Vishing Strategies
Vishing SMSing Advice (3:32)
Reporting, Documentation, and Cleaning Up
Tips for Defenders (5:29)
Cleaning Up Our Domains (1:49)
Gophish Event Logs (1:05)
Reporting and Documentation (5:50)
Thank You!
Thanks! (0:18)
Multi-Factor Authentication Advice
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